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Statement on Racisms
Dear IOA and OCE Members,
As inclusive, international association, the International Orthoptic Association (IOA) and the Orthoptic Council of Europe (OCE) have diverse memberships that reflect the communities we work in. Right now, people around the world are grieving, angry and mobilizing because systemic anti-Black racisms lives in the world and because black lives matter. The IOA and OCE recognize the unique challenges our black colleagues, patients, and their families face. We stand in solidarity with our Black members. As Associations we find all forms of injustice are unacceptable and believe we are better organizations when we support individuals regardless of race, gender or orientation.
We want to ensure you that every member is welcome and will be treated equally regardless of race, sex, language, religion, or other status. The IOA and the OCE is committed to upholding our joint Orthoptic Code of Ethics. We expect all our members to adhere to this code and to act with integrity and without discrimination. In addition, as orthoptists we are obligated to treat all our patients ethically and fairly. These values are essential as we work to support our mission of developing and improving the orthoptic profession around the world.
The IOA has flourished because of the diversity of its members and their ongoing efforts to increase our knowledge and improve our understanding of different cultures. We embrace high quality orthoptic care and support treating all people with dignity and respect. Thank you for working together with us.
Be well and be safe.
Jan Roelof Polling
IOA President
Marlis Lenk-Schäfer
President OCE