Nystagmus Information, including the Nystagmus Information Packs (NIP)
In 2017, we released the Nystagmus Information Pack, which is available for free download from the University of Sheffield website. The information pack was designed as a resource for patients and their families, as we were aware patient information on nystagmus was not always available.
We are now evaluating the accessibility and content of the Nystagmus Information Pack using an online evaluation questionnaire. If any of you have up to 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire, we would be very grateful. The link to the questionnaire is below.
Feel free to forward the questionnaire on to anyone interested in nystagmus. We would like to gather the views of different people where possible. The evaluation project and questionnaire has received ethical approval from the University of Sheffield. The deadline to complete the questionnaire is Friday 17th July.
If you have any questions about the evaluation project or the questionnaire, please contact us privately.
Link to Evaluation Questionnaire: https://forms.gle/apdQGshHXpmReBq69
Link to Nystagmus Information Pack: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/health-sciences/our-research/themes/eye-movement/nystagmus-information
Thank you and kind regards,
Anne Bjerre a.bjerre@sheffield.ac.uk
Gemma Arblaster g.arblaster@sheffield.ac.uk
Helen Griffiths h.griffiths@sheffield.ac.uk
Martha Foulds mffoulds1@sheffield.ac.uk