EDORTH Learning Platform
Online learning packages were developed based on the findings from phase 1 and the competency profile and level of proficiency expectations determined in phase 2. Learning content not taught or required at the necessary high level in some countries, but deemed important by the experts in phase 2 were included. As learning platform we have choosen Free CANVAS. All content of the CANVAS course is open access and will be available to orthoptists on request from March 2022. OCE The Orthoptistes de la Communauté Européenne (OCE) is the representative professional body in the EU and spokesperson for the orthoptic profession on European topics. The OCE was founded to collate and to provide the European authorities, the member states and the individual orthoptists with up to date information on the state of orthoptics in the various EU countries. © Orthoptistes de la Communauté Européenne, 2022 euro-orthoptics.com The platform is quite extensive. Documents, videos, links can be uploaded, but tests and quizzes can be added. The course is taken self-directed, which means that there will be no classes taught by an instructor. However, participants can reach out to each other. There is a possibility to open a discussion forum, so users can communicate as well as learn from and with each other. The course contains 6 topics: optics, visual and binocular functions, eye movement disorders, neuro-ophthalmology, management of strabismus and amblyopia, ophthalmic diseases and the exam. The topics point out learning objectives and contain lesson plans including learning materials, literature references and recommendations, quizzes, videos and links to the internet. Learning with CANVAS is self-structured, independent of time and place. When the participant is ready to take the exam, he or she can register to take it. Whether you get access to the platform lies with the OCE. This course is made for qualified orthoptists. It is possible to link anyone to it, but OCE would like to check that the person has the background of an orthoptist. To enquire, mail to Europeandiploma@euro-orthoptics.com
Instruction CANVAS course