April 2013
Item 1: Declaration of the foundation of the OCE
- A Committee of the Permanent Liaison of the “Orthoptists of the European Community (O.C.E)” is created. It is a non-profit association.
- It is not limited by time.
- The registered office of the Committee is located 22 rue Richer, 75009 PARIS/France.
- The location of this office can be changed by decision of the Council of the Committee.
Item 2: Mission
The OCE (“Orthoptistes de la Communauté Européenne”) is the representative professional body in the EU and spokesperson for the profession on European topics.
The purpose of the Committee is
- to establish the connection with the member countries in view of assuring the passage of information on present and future developments within the orthoptic profession in member countries,
- to represent the orthoptists of the member countries within the body of authorities of the EU and especially within the European Commission,
- to disseminate the suggestions and decisions made by the authorities affecting the orthoptic profession as well as to communicate advice and proposals to these authorities,
- to promote among the member countries a coordination of working conditions and a harmonisation of the orthoptist’s training,
- to provide assistance to member organisations and to individual members when common interests are concerned.
Item 3: Definition
Orthoptists shall be defined as the holders of a specific diploma or degree in orthoptics which is recognised by the competent authority of the country of training or which is eligible for recognition by the competent authority of Member States under the amended Directive 89/48 EEC of 21.12.1988 relating to a general system of recognition of higher education diplomas awarded on completion of professional training for a minimum of three years.